Be Your Own Boss

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“Conformity is the only real fashion crime.”  – Simon Doonan

Part of being a boss babe is being a strong, independent woman. If you don’t already know, every part of my blog is done by me. Styling, modeling, photography, editing, writing, marketing,….you name it and I do it!

Lately, I’ve had several messages on social media, asking how I manage not only a full time job while blogging, but also how I can play each role in such short amount of time. When you truly love and enjoy something, you’ll make the time for it. That’s not to say that it isn’t challenging though. If I’m feeling mentally exhausted, I will take a week break from all social media and come back ready to go more than ever! After all, I am my own boss!

In terms of collaborations, I often receive emails from brands. However, other times I’ll do my research to check in on new styles and/or collections that fit my aesthetic. Sometimes I’ll reach out to a brand that I might not fully fit in with too, because even if it’s isn’t the right time, I’ve introduced myself and will be kept in mind for future endeavors. To me, that’s the hardest part…putting myself out there. Rejection is never easy, but I simply remind myself that I have to start somewhere and the more I believe in my brand, others will too.

Two things that come easy to me are the styling and modeling. I’ve been modeling since I was in 18, walking in several fashion weeks, doing countless photoshoots, and having been in commercials and on tv shows. Needless to say, I’m pretty comfortable in front of the camera. I also learned how to style through working with wardrobe during projects I worked on. I was able to join in on some test shoots, as well, to dress my fellow models. It’s such an amazing feeling making someone feel confident and beautiful! One other thing that comes fairly easy to me is writing. Seriously, papers saved me in school! I’ve always believed that you should write what you know because that’s the only way people will be able to relate to you. If you aren’t relatable, the line for communication gets cut, and that’s the last thing I want because I truly enjoy making new friends!

Photography and marketing are the two areas I’m still learning. I still love what I put out there, but I would give anything to be able to REALLY learn photography…not just click through each and every feature until I get it right. I’ve gotten the hang of it for the most part which has been tremendous help because then I’m not fighting other bloggers over time with photographers every weekend! As for marketing, I think we can all agree that Instagram has seriously been doing us all dirty. What is with the algorithm?! Why does it need to be continuously changed? Do they not want us to succeed? More and more people are joining the digital world for business, which should be all the more reason to make it easier for everyone to promote their brands/businesses. If you have any tips or tricks, please do share 🙂

So that’s my rant for today. If you made it through the entire thing, I appreciate you! If not and all you did was look at my photos, I hope you at least got some style inspo!

Until next time…stay golden!

xx, Laura

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14 thoughts on “Be Your Own Boss

  1. I love your look here! I especially love how real you are talking about it! Photography is definitely something I’m still working on.

    1. I absolutely know what you mean! I truly can’t wait for the day where being my own boss is the only thing I’m doing…with a team of course too 🙂

  2. Aww thank you so much! You are too sweet <3 But yea they are definitely making it quite the challenge!

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