Can you believe it? I finally made it to Coachella! In all the time I have been in LA, there was always a reason that I was never able to go. If I’m being honest, I thought I would hate it, but felt like I should go at least once. Well, I’m happy to announce…I had a great time! I always said if I was going to go, I wanted to attend on an artist pass or media to have all access. While that didn’t happen, given I had such a short amount of time to get everything together, I still received VIP treatment compared to the norm (and I am very grateful for it!) Oh, and I am NOT a camper. Thankfully we had a house 15 minutes away that was amazing!
Going to Coachella was a last minute decision that combined my job at Firework and my blog/influencer career, so I had roughly 12 hours to get ready and plan my outfits. I don’t know what’s more important….the music or the fashion. I love music and couldn’t wait to see some of my favorite artists, but I am a fashion/lifestyle blogger, so for me…I had to have some cool looks. Note to any of you planning to go in the future…allow more time than you expect on the drive, or leave early, because the roads are crowded! We arrived late, so we pulled up, changed in the car, and went straight to the Ugg party to meet and film with the Kaplan twins. Here’s my Friday night look (shoutout to my coworker, Alexander, for swapping me to make the look complete!)and links to shop the look!

Shorts: Revolve, Shoes: UGG (not for purchase)
Day 2 (for us)…up early for more filming, parties and music!
Our first stop was the Parker Hotel, where we met up with the twins again, where we did a quick sponsor video with Matchabar. Thank the heavens for those angels because they hooked it up! I love anything matcha! After that, we popped over to ELF Cosmetics x Bloggers Who Brunch, where we scored an insane amount of product that have become obsessed with (will link those later). Last stop with the twins was a Galore pool party!
Here was my day look….I LOVE this white sheer overdress, don’t you? And a little neon orange top just fit right in with the neon trend for this year. Boho chic meets the 80’s.

Hat: San Diego Hat Company, Body Chain: Forever 21
After a long day in the sun, we went back to the house for a nap (per my request). So glad we did because we went over to the festival grounds for a while then hit Nylon’s Midnight Garden Party! I’m so sad that I missed Jojo’s performance, but I had a blast there! Here was my look for the party, which also scored me some photos on Getty Images (woohoo!)
Day 3 (again, for us)
We spent the entire day at the festival, and by entire day, I mean we started around 3pm. Ha! First stop was for loaded french fries, in which we basically lived off of for the weekend. Then we stopped by Calvin Klein, as I just signed on board to work with their community! Thanks for having me CK! After that, we made the rest of the day about the music: SiR, J Balvin, Billie Eilish, Kid Cudi, and a few others we popped into randomly. Once the night was closing out, we left and hit up the Moschino Desert Party. I must saw, Jeremy Scott hit it out of the park! The SIMS theme for the new collection is so cool and different from any other!
As for style, it was a denim day. How cute is this outfit? And super affordable and accessible too! The buckles on the shorts give it that edgy western vibe. And can’t forget about the fanny pack! Our moms were right…these are handy!

Sunnies: Topshop , Fanny Pack: Forever 21
Final day…the plan was to leave early and beat the crowds, but that would’ve requires waking up at a normal hour. We had been out partying it up so late at Moschino that none of us moved until after 12pm! I can’t tell you the last time I slept that late. Still, FOMO kicked in and we stayed for a good portion of the day. So we hit the festival for a while again, took some pictures for ourselves finally, swung by to grab our stuff, and headed back home around 10:30pm.
My look for this day? As Coachella as it gets! We’ve got the leopard mini, bell sleeve denim, bikini top, velvet/metallic boots, and a fanny pack!

Hat: Amazon, Fanny Pack: Forever 21, Necklace: Forever 21
Here’s what I learned…
– Crowds are crazy, temperatures are hot, and fashion is off the chain!
– ALWAYS wear comfy shoes, close toed, no matter how cute your outfit is because you are walking A LOT. And did I mention the crowds? Someone is bound to step on your toe.
– Look for the good porta-potties. They are there in plain sight!
– Stay until the end of the set. That’s when the surprise guests come out!
– Most of all, have fun! It is all about the desert vibe and chilling to the music with your friends and if you are lucky, maybe attend some cool parties.
So, I think it’s pretty obvious how much fun I had! How about you? Is Coachella on your list? Let me know!
Until next time…stay golden!
xx, Goldielegs