On March 16th, I booked a last minute flight back to Indiana to make sure I would be able to quarantine myself long enough before my nephew was born. I flew back with one 30 pound suitcase that consisted of a few pairs of jeans, a couple tops, pajamas, and sweats.
Fast forward two months and it’s officially Spring, which means the weather has been so back and forth but it’s been pretty warm. The sun has even come out to play a few days! But alas, I did not have anything to catch the sunshine in. Since I have so many bikinis back in my LA apartment, I didn’t want to splurge on anything too expensive. So I took to Walmart’s website and found a true gem!

This bikini has gotten much more love than just my own, but sadly, it is completely out of stock (like it’s not even on the website anymore.) I wanted to help everyone out though, so I did some digging. I found the same bikini in a solid aqua color, a monokini in the same tie-dye print, and then I went ahead and found 14 other adorable high-waisted tie-dye bikinis that are all under $18! I linked all of them on my LIKEtoKNOW.it profile, but I know not everyone has that app. So for those of you interested, but don’t utilize the app, I’ve attached all of them here!
Side note: If you are ever on the hunt for something in particular, but can’t find it, let me know and I’ll do my best to find what you’re looking for!
With that, happy shopping! And as always, stay golden!
xo, Goldielegs