Be Simply Stylish

Nunc facilisis diam velit, non facilisis justo lobortis ac. Etiam ante tortor, consequat vel felis id, blandit finibus magna. Curabitur vel urna id tortor ullamcorper molestie. Donec accumsan, sapien nec consectetur varius, nisl nibh maximus diam, non vulputate diam dolor at nunc. Suspendisse pulvinar, ante a tempor volutpat, ligula tellus...

Quick Eye Makeup

Nullam imperdiet lobortis maximus cras ante neque. Aenean fermentum vulputate eros, efficitur vehicula nunc accumsan tincidunt. Maecenas a nulla id sapien dignissim tincidunt. Suspendisse efficitur ipsum sit amet purus sodales pulvinar. Suspendisse eu venenatis eros. Nunc facilisis diam velit, non facilisis justo lobortis ac. Etiam ante tortor, consequat vel felis...

Hey Bay Bae

Hello from the City By the Bay! You may have wondered what I have been doing for the last couple months since there have been no blog updates. Well, I turned 30, went on a two-week vacation with my family, and took a new position with a brand new app...

Ice Cold Beach

I scream, you scream, we all scream for…Friday!! I know this is going to sound like complete and utter craziness, but I am finally no longer a Salt & Straw virgin! While shooting the other day, it only felt appropriate that I get a massive ice cream cone on a hot...

Statement LBD

Dress: WhatsMode – Earrings: WhatsMode – Boots: Zara (similar) Hello, world and happy almost weekend!!! This work week has been beyond long, and the night can’t come soon enough. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling ultra sassy already, which means one thing for the weekend…time to throw on...