Year: 2019

Don’t Mess With Texas

Hi babes! This past week, I had a quick work trip in Austin, Texas. I know I’m much more of a city girl generally speaking, but being from Indiana, there’s always something about the south and midwest that brings a sense of calm and comfort to me. Texas was just...

Street Shopping Tips

Nunc facilisis diam velit, non facilisis justo lobortis ac. Etiam ante tortor, consequat vel felis id, blandit finibus magna. Curabitur vel urna id tortor ullamcorper molestie. Donec accumsan, sapien nec consectetur varius, nisl nibh maximus diam, non vulputate diam dolor at nunc. Suspendisse pulvinar, ante a tempor volutpat, ligula tellus...

Girls Gone Coastal – Part II

Hello SLO! We arrived at the Holiday Inn Express at 9:00 p.m. and were glad to check in! This hotel changed to the Kinney SLO in September but we were lucky to get one of the renovated rooms. Really fun and trendy décor and wonderful location that is pretty close...

Daily Make Tips

Nunc facilisis diam velit, non facilisis justo lobortis ac. Etiam ante tortor, consequat vel felis id, blandit finibus magna. Curabitur vel urna id tortor ullamcorper molestie. Donec accumsan, sapien nec consectetur varius, nisl nibh maximus diam, non vulputate diam dolor at nunc. Suspendisse pulvinar, ante a tempor volutpat, ligula tellus...