MOTD: 5-Minute Glam

There’s nothing I love more than makeup that takes five minutes or less! Let me rephrase and clarify actually…there’s nothing I love more than five minute or less makeup that goes from day to night and works for any and every occasion! Who’s with me?! I threw this on this...

MOTD: Sunrise Eyes

Today I woke up as the sun was coming up and I was in awe of how beautiful it was! I’m rarely up before or with it, so this was huge! The yellow, orange, peach, and pinks peering over the mountain was simply stunning though. It inspired me to create...

Don’t Mess With Texas

Hi babes! This past week, I had a quick work trip in Austin, Texas. I know I’m much more of a city girl generally speaking, but being from Indiana, there’s always something about the south and midwest that brings a sense of calm and comfort to me. Texas was just...

Street Shopping Tips

Nunc facilisis diam velit, non facilisis justo lobortis ac. Etiam ante tortor, consequat vel felis id, blandit finibus magna. Curabitur vel urna id tortor ullamcorper molestie. Donec accumsan, sapien nec consectetur varius, nisl nibh maximus diam, non vulputate diam dolor at nunc. Suspendisse pulvinar, ante a tempor volutpat, ligula tellus...