Category: Trends

Laura in Paris

Anyone else have serious FOMO right now after the fashion week shows…or watching Emily in Paris? No? Just me? Don’t try to hide it! I’d give anything to be able to go in and play dress up at the showrooms, watch how the clothes move on the runway, and be...


While I may be dressed like a sassy Greek goddess, I am so ready for Cinco de Mayo! The day Shop Tobi reached out to me, I was beyond excited because there literally isn’t a single item in their collection I don’t love. Seriously, it’s a problem…I’ve acknowledged it and come to terms...


What’s more Coachella than all things lace and boho style? Absolutely nothing. Whether you’re attending any of the festivals or not, you can still embrace its vibes! Today’s outfit is Coachella inspired, but it’s always something you can wear literally anywhere! This particular dress is really unique. The bottom layer is a super...


Remember when your mom tried to convince you the style she wore growing up would come full circle? And remember when you laughed, rolled your eyes, and/or say yeah right? Guess what…you owe her an apology. Sorry mom! Not all things vintage may have made it back around, but there...